Hoist the sail

created on: 2011-05-15

For the next part of our trip we decided to use another mean of transport. We thought itʻs most likely to find this in New Zealand. So we came here to find a way how to get to the south pacific Islands.

When we started our quest we didnʻt really care on which of the Islands we will end up. Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands, Samoa, Vanuatu it does not matter until its warm, and of course windy enough for Kitesurfing. Since we will probably not come back here in the near future we wanted to see as many of the islands as possible. The easiest way to do this would most likely be to fly to all these islands. But it is also quite expensive and to be honest we donʻt have so much money left. So to keep travelling as long as possible we have to find a cheaper way than that.

Our ideal imagination would be something that brings us to the islands for very little money, lets us work to pay for the trip, or in the best case even pays us for doing the trip.
The last of this options turned out to be a bit unrealistic since we donʻt have enough experience.
But after a quite long search we finally found it in Opua in the beautiful Bay of Islands. This weekend we are crewing on a 40 feet Sloop called Wonderland. We are expected to pay for food on board and to learn some basic sailing to be able to have watches at night. For the next ten days we will be sailing to Tonga and we hope to leave here on Monday.
Tonga is an ideal first destination on our journey. A lot of the boats sail from there to other islands due to the wind direction.
From Tonga we plan to keep sailing to Fiji but we might have to find another boat in Tonga for this part of the trip.


New Zealand, sailing, yacht